What to expect from The Python Coding Stack

I write the articles I wish I had when I was learning Python programming.

I learn through narratives, stories. And I communicate in the same way, with a friendly and relaxed tone, clear and accessible.

My ideal reader is the intermediate learner keen to dive deeper into programming and Python, aiming to move to the next level. However, I’m also writing with the beginner in mind, especially the type of beginner who likes to “read ahead” to know what’s coming next. And there’s more for beginners at The Python Coding Place.

Hopefully, even the more expert programmers will find some insightful ideas and thought-provoking perspectives.

All articles are accessible in full for free. So you don’t need to pay anything to enjoy and learn from these Python articles.

But, if you wish to support this publication and you’re in a position to do so, there are two ways you can contribute (well, three):

  • You can make a one-off contribution of whatever amount you want, whenever you want:

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  • You can subscribe monthly or annually to The Python Coding Stack if you want to make a regular contribution:

  • If you’re interested in all my learning content, including video courses for beginners and intermediate learners, a members’ forum in which I can help and assist learners, weekly live sessions covering Python topics, and live cohort courses, you can become a member of The Python Coding Place. Lifetime membership is the only membership option available: a one-time fee gives you access to everything, forever:

Read More about The Place Membership

The Python Coding Stack is the place for all my articles about various intermediate Python topics.

The Python Coding Book

You may even be interested in The Python Coding Book, my friendly and relaxed programming textbook for beginners. This is available in paperback and ebook.

The Python Coding Book

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More from The Python Coding Place

The Python Coding Stack is part of a hub of services and resources I’m providing at The Python Coding Place, which includes live cohort courses, video courses, a much-loved textbook, and more…

Subscribe to The Python Coding Stack • by Stephen Gruppetta

I write the articles I wish I had when I was learning Python programming I learn through narratives, stories. And I communicate in the same way, with a friendly and relaxed tone, clear and accessible


A different perspective on Python • Mentoring learners • Writing about Python • Writing about writing • More Python at ThePythonCodingPlace.com • And for young people/teenagers: codetodayunlimited.com